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The Barloz-class medium freighter was once one of the most popular vessels to travel the spaceways – the YT-1300 or Ghtroc of its era. In the latter days of the Old Republic, a medium freighter was equivalent to the light freighter of the Imperial era. Long since supplanted by the YT series, modified Barlozs continue to compete against its descendants in the Outer Rim Territories. The Barloz was developed roughly three decades before the Corellian Engineering Corporation unveiled the YT-series craft. Several of the "design innovations" touted by CEC pitchmen were in fact introduced aboard the older Barloz. However, CEC's aggressive marketing campaign for the YT-series spelled the end of the venerable Barloz.

One of the principal strengths of the Barloz-class freighter is its size: 41 meters long, 20 meters high, and capable of storing over 85 metric tons of cargo. The size, coupled with the craft's durability, made it an ideal craft for cargo shippers...and smugglers. Barloz freighters are woefully under-armed, however (which is unusual given the amount of piracy that occurs in the Corellian sector, the home system of the Barloz's designers). A single laser cannon, fixed in a front-firing position, is the craft's primary defense system. In addition, the Barloz is not very maneuverable, making its only option in a fight a hasty retreat. Still, the craft has a thick, durable hull capable of resisting a fair amount of damage, allowing captains to pilot their craft out of a combat zone relatively unscathed.

The Barloz was equipped with a CEC NovaQuad-D Drive System, the precursor to the engines used in the YT-series craft. Like the YT-series, most pilots modified the existing system to coax better performance from the ship.

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  • Clear and Present Dangers, by Owne K.C. Stevens, copyright 2004, from Wizards of the Coast
  • High Alert!, by J.D. Wiker, copyright 2003, from Wizards of the Coast
  • Mission to Myrkr, by J.D. Wiker, copyright 2002, from Wizards of the Coast
  • More Starships!, by Ben Campbell and Owen KC Stevens, copyright 2001, from Wizards of the Coast
  • Smugglers of Naboo Fast-Play Game, by Owen K.C. Stephens, copyright 2001, from Wizards of the Coast
  • Stock Ships, by Pablo Hidalgo, et al, copyright 1997, from West End Games
  • The Nebula Assassin, by Owen K.C. Stevens, copyright 2002, from Wizards of the Coast
  • The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook, by Bill Slavicsek and Eric S. Trautmann, copyright 1996, from West End Games