


Warning: This infobox has missing parameters: protection, destroyed, creators, heritage, purpose, owners, value, structure, culture, locations, markings, capacity, inscription, width, material, length, height, created, modifier, discovered and unrecognized parameters: era

The Neuro-Saav Corporations Cardio-Muscular Package was a cybernetic enhancement designed to augment a recipients muscle system.

The package was designed to enhance the recipients muscles with Rybcoarse, which allowed the muscles of the body (and the lungs by extension of the diaphragm) to work harder with less effort. The end result allowed the cyborg to run faster, withstand more damage, obtain incredible endurance, and harness a peerless strength at three times the human norm.

With this tireless hyper-exertion came a drawback though; often a recipient would feel invincible, and would become brash and prone to self-destructive behavior in an effort to push themselves to their absolute limits. Recipients had to be careful that they didn't fall into this behavior or risk destruction.

Notable users


Notes and references
