


The Crystal Wastes was a crystalline field located south of the Glacial Fissure on the planet Hoth. The Brig Stompers mercenary unit made their base in the Wastes, and the massive Pantran whitefang Snowblind lived among the crystals. The volcanic area known as the Molten Rift was located deep in the southern Wastes.

Ice crystals from the field were prized for being perfect and were served as a dish during the Feast of Prosperity on Nar Shaddaa.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Crystal Wastes concept art Full

Concept art of Crystal Wastes

Crystal Wastes is an area in the region of Glacial Fissure in video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. It is a heroic area designed for missions to be completed by a group of 4 people due to advanced difficulty and more powerful NPC's. It is also the location of the champion boss on Hoth. The concept art of the area was made by Clint Young, an art director and concept artist, who worked as a senior conceptual artist of Star Wars: The Old Republic at Bioware.



Notes and references[]

  1. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught — Mission: [Daily] "Prep Work: Perfect Ice Crystals" on Hoth