

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

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"Dantooine? That's in the middle of nowhere."
"That's the whole point. Where else could the rebels hide?"
Thane Kyrell and an Imperial officer[src]

Dantooine was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories within the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire.


"Dantooine. They're on Dantooine."
―Leia Organa, lying about the location of the Rebel base[src]

At one point during the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Mace Windu led a battle on Dantooine; however, many of his troopers were injured. Windu's forces sent out a distress signal and awaited a delivery of medical supplies from Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee.[6]

In 2 BBY, the former Imperial Senator and rebel leader Mon Mothma made arrangements for the rebel fleet to rendezvous above Dantooine. She wanted to unify the disparate rebel cells and factions into an Alliance to Restore the Republic. With the help of Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla and the Spectres, Mothma managed to travel through the dangerous Archeon pass to Dantooine. Above Dantooine, Mothma gave an impassioned HoloNet speech urging the galaxy to rise up in rebellion against the Empire. Shortly later, the rebel fleet converged above Dantooine.[7]

Prior to the Galactic Civil War, the Rebellion briefly used the planet as the location of a base.[3] By the time of the Battle of Scarif, however, that base had been abandoned, and the Rebels had established their new headquarters on the jungle moon Yavin 4.[8]

When Princess Leia Organa was held captive on the Death Star, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin threatened to destroy her home planet of Alderaan if she did not provide him with the location of the Rebellion's secret base. Organa then lied to him, disclosing the location of the then-current base as Dantooine. Tarkin, however, was so impatient to try out the Death Star's superlaser at full capacity that he deemed Dantooine "too remote to make an effective demonstration" and ordered the destruction of Alderaan anyway.[3] Nonetheless, Imperial forces, lead by General Cassio Tagge,[9] reconnoitered Dantooine, only to find the remains of the abandoned Rebel base. Upon learning this, Tarkin ordered Organa's immediate execution.[3] Thane Kyrell was one of those who were sent to explore Dantooine, and he was surprised by the level of organization and sophistication he saw in the abandoned base.[10]

Behind the scenes

Dantooine was first mentioned in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope as a former location for a Rebel base and has since been only briefly mentioned in passing in canon. Stories from the Expanded Universe, later re-branded as Star Wars Legends, particularly the Knights of the Old Republic and The New Jedi Order, provided extensive details both about the planet's composition and history, within the Legends context.

Early versions of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens had the First Order converting Dantooine into their superweapon and retrofitting the abandoned Rebel base for their own purposes.[11]

Initially, the evacuation of the Dantooine Rebel base was to be featured in the 2016 movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. However, that sequence did not make it into the film due to budget constraints.[12]



Notes and references
