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The Electrostatic Charge Detonator, also known as EC-Detonator or an ECD, was a grenade that was mostly used as an anti-droid weapon but was also effective against Humanoids. It was often used by the Grand Army of the Republics elite soldiers, the clone commandos, during the Clone Wars.


EC-Detonators released approximately a 4-meter blast of electrostatic energy that stunned and damaged everything in its blast radius. It was significantly more effective against electronic systems such as Droids but was still effective enough to kill or damage organics.

Clone commandos used them especially to disable the shield of a Droideka, to stun and inflict severely damage on B2 super battle droids or to destroy many B1 battle droids at once. It was also very effective against the fast IG-100 MagnaGuards, because of its stun-abilities.


EC-detonators were standard-issue weapons for clone commandos and were used to destroy or damage battle droids of the Confederacy of Independent Systems or other hostile threats during the Clone Wars.

