


"Good morning, sir."
―FE-1211, to Captain Cardinal[2]

FE-1211[2] was a human[1] female who was training to be a First Order stormtrooper aboard the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Absolution. She was taught by Captain Cardinal, always scoring the highest scores in his intelligence testing and had a mean eye with a blaster. On the day Cardinal was to attend a meeting on the Absolution with individuals such as Kylo Ren, General Armitage Hux and Captain Phasma, FE-1211 along with FB-0007 and FM-0676 briefly spoke with Cardinal whilst he sat in the vessel's cafeteria. Before returning to his quarters, Cardinal told the group he would be checking their scores after his meeting. After being excluded from the meeting, Cardinal returned to the cafeteria where he learned that FB-0007 had done well when FE-1211 was out of the picture, Cardinal then made a note to himself to shuffle around the groups to ensure that the conniving FE-1211 wouldn't get all the glory.[2]

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