


Chaz Hunter was a Human male from Kabaira. Chaz and his father, Del Hunter, joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic early in the Galactic Civil War.[1]


In 2 BBY, the Rebel cell in Eponte was betrayed from inside. Six Rebels were killed by the stormtroopers, Del was injured but escaped, and Chaz was captured with another Rebel, Blaide, and an Imperial deserter, Matt Turhaya.[1]

Escape from Kabaira

Blaide reveals his treachery.

They were later freed by a fellow Rebel and Matt's ship captain, Tere Metallo, who infiltrated the prison. During the escape, Blaide revealed himself as the traitor and tried to kill them, but he was shot by Metallo. They reached the spaceport where Hunter was waiting for them. The two spacers took the Rebels in Metallo's ship, the Star Quest, to leave the planet. In orbit, the ship was attacked by three Z-95 Headhunters, but they escaped.[1]

He later joined the New Republic's Blue Squadron as Blue Four, flying as Alex Winger's wingman before her capture by the Star Destroyer Judicator.[2]


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