


The hydenock was a species of reddish, curving trees native to Alderaan, whose bark produced a red dye. A variant strain could be found on Naboo, where the Gungans havested it to produce bubble wort. The hydenock was subsequently introduced on the moon Ohma-D'un when it was colonized by the Gungans.

Biology and appearance[]

Hydenock trees had distinctive trunks that gently curved in their middle section, and both their bark and leaves were a shade of red. They only grew in sandy soils, and were considered strange by some.[1]


The hydenock was originated on the planet Alderaan,[2] one of the so-called Core Worlds of the galaxy.[3] It was often pictured in Alderaanian artwork,[2] and a strong red dye could be obtained by crushing and boiling its bark. A variant strain of the species was also found on Naboo,[2] in the Mid Rim,[3] where its bark was used by the native Gungans to produce bubble wort, the raw material for all Gungan bubble buildings.[1]

When the Gungans colonized the moon of Naboo Ohma-D'un in 32 BBY, they imported many plants from all over the galaxy, including hydenocks. At some point, the hydenocks of Ohma-D'un were brought to the brink of extinction, even as the planners of New Otoh Gunga demanded more harvest to produce bubble wort. Gungan conservationists launched a "Save The Hydenock" campaign, and a third party was called in to lead a reforestation effort while making sure that the settlers had enough building material.[1]



Notes and references[]
