


The Kanawyn Syndicate was a weapons and spice-dealing crime syndicate based on Rishi and led by Avax, and her brothers Chrone and Dastid. Though only a few dozen members strong, the Kanawyn had serious credentials - when an Exchange boss refused to join them, he got skinned. They went after the smuggling business of Thera Markon, demanding her routes and clients. Thera used the reputation of her bounty hunter mother Crysta Markon who coached the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt to keep Kanawyns away, and it worked for a time. Eventually, they killed Crysta in 3637 BBY, which proved their undoing. Thera used her money to put a bounty on all three bosses and the Grand Champion collected, killing them and dealing a huge blow to the Syndicate.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Kanawyn Syndicate appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan during the Bounty Hunter class mission on Rishi.[1]


Notes and references[]
