

This article is about food or field rations in the Star Wars Legends continuity.
You may be looking for ration packs in the current canon.

"How do you get so big eating food of this kind?"
―Yoda, to Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker[1]

Food rations or field rations, often simply referred to as rations, were a transportable form of ready-to-eat food used by many military forces around the galaxy and throughout its history.

History and types of rations[]

During the New Sith Wars some species that fought in the Battle of Ruusan made use of plastic boxes with hieroglyphic markings; some contained grub-like creatures in brown sauce. The "meal" was kept indefinitely thanks to stasis field or similar technology, and were revived whenever the box was opened, by pressing a panel. Some were buried in the Valley of the Jedi and were still operative a millennium later.[2]

Clone commandos were equipped with ration packs. These could also be found in survival packages, most notably field kits.

During the Imperial Period the Stormtroopers made use of self-heating Stormtrooper rations.[2]

Rebel pilots also had a few ration packs inside their starfighters in case they became stranded on a planet. These rations were stored in a blue container with eleven slots, seven on the bottom, three rectangular slots at the top, and a thin slot in the middle, with food including a large, yellow, square-shaped object; a rectangular bar also called a Ration Bar ; several bits of small tan pieces; a large stick; several medium-sized sticks; small rolls; small brown pieces; white pieces; orange pieces; tiny sticks; a small, yellow, square-shaped object; and white rolls. Yoda tried a scrap of food from Luke Skywalker's food ration but spat it out in disgust. They were also well-stocked on cruisers, freighters and lasted long periods of time. There were also designated Empire or Rebellion "field rations."

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Notes and references[]

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