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Vandelhelm was a planet located in the Vandelhelm system, inside of the Vandelhelm Cloud within the Expansion Region. It was known for its starshipwrights, and manufacturing capabilities.


Prior its official discovery a underworld criminal faction was named the Vandelhelm Combine who took part in the Syndicate Wars in 3667 BBY

Even though it was located along the Rimma Trade Route, it was not discovered by the Republic until 3053 BBY due to the planet being obscured from sensors by the Vandelhelm Cloud. Eventually two independent prospectors Vandel and Helm braved the cloud looking for rich minerals and metals. Having found the planet to be rich in ores, Vandel and Helm settled the planet with their families, now named "Vandelhelm", and after making finds on its surface, they used the profits to form the first Metalsmiths Guild.

During the Clone Wars the planet lay within Separatist space.[3]



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