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Z-95 Headhunter

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Yarua was a Wookiee male[1] and an elder statesman[5] who, in the last years of the Galactic Republic, represented Kashyyyk in the Galactic Senate.[3] Senator Yarua was present in the Senate's Galactic Senate Chamber, when Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum was ousted from the office following the invasion of the remote planet Naboo, by the Trade Federation.[6] During a mission to the moon of Staggec early in the Clone Wars, Yarua was in possession of a valuable item, which he hid inside a doll owned by his daughter, Viiveenn, when General Grievous attacked the moon. Yarua died after pushing himself and Grievous out of an airlock to save Viiveenn.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Yarua first appeared in the 1999 movie Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.[6] The original Chewbacca costume from the original trilogy was used for Yarua in film.[7]



Notes and references[]
