


Flow-walking was a rare Force power used by the Aing-Tii monks. It was taught to Jacen Solo by the Aing-Tii, it allowed him to view the past and the future. When one flow-walks, they can only change a person's perception of the past, but not the past itself.


The Aing Tii used flow-walking as a method of touching the Force by flowing along its currents and reading its intentions. When using this method, it was important to remain attached and anchored in the real world, or else risk loosing oneself to the flow. Users often left a blur when traveling through time.

In 35 ABY, Solo was able to see with his flow-walking what happened when the ship Tachyon Flier crashed, witnessing Raynar Thul as he dragged Lomi Plo and Welk out of the fire. Upon returning to the present and knowing that his mother Leia Organa Solo would later appear at the crash site, Jacen used the flow-walk technique again to leave an imprint of himself for the future, thus connecting Leia to that place and time through the Force.

In 40 ABY, Solo flow-walked back to the Raid on the Jedi Temple to find out what persuaded his grandfather to embrace the ways of the Sith. He also flow-walked into in the middle of two of the Jedi High Council's meetings.

He also flow-walked with Tahiri Veila multiple times in order to bring her over to his side. He went back in time to allow her to see Anakin Solo and the worldship where Anakin had died. This was enough to get her to do what he wanted.

Ben Skywalker later learned flow-walking while studying with the Aing-Ti. He used it once to flow-walk to when Jacen had learned the technique and found himself so overwhelmed he returned to the present and declared we would never flow-walk again.


