

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"You're taking a poorly mapped hyperspace route to a planet where people have gone missing because she's pretty."
Leia Organa to Luke Skywalker, on traveling with Nakari Kelen to Fex.[src]

Hyperspace routes—also called hyperspace lanes, hyperlanes, trade routes, and runs—were an established path through hyperspace, which linked major worlds in the galaxy, just as roads linked major cities on populated planets. Those routes were regarded as safe, allowing starships to travel without colliding with a celestial body in realspace. Chains of important star systems formed runs, which were vital navigational routes for trade and transit, and such routes could cross multiple sectors.[1]

Star systems could have several or a single hyperlane entrance/exit point, meaning that such points could be guarded and fortified,[2] thus ports of access monitored and controlled.[3] Hyperwave beacons helped guide starships to star systems, refueling stations, and ports, and several beacons could act as guides through dangerous and less traveled parts of the galaxy.[4] The destruction of such beacons could hinder travel to the system.[2]

Major trade routes

Major trade hyperspace routes included the Corellian Run,[5] Corellian Trade Spine,[6][5] Hydian Way,[2][5] Perlemian Trade Route,[2][5] and Rimma Trade Route.[2][5]

Minor hyperspace routes included the Ison Trade Corridor, among others.[7]


The Old Republic sent pioneering survey teams to explore and chart new hyperspace lanes with navigational beacons. The Tertiary Usaita system was one such system to undergo Old Republic exploration.[4] As galactic citizens from the Core pushed outwards, star systems fought for hyperspace lanes to be charted through their systems, which brought with them trade, wealth, and prestige. As time passed, the laborious task of traveling through hyperwave beacons, which required numerous reversions to realspace, was replaced with new hyperlanes such as the Hydian Way.[2]

In the months following the Battle of Hoth, the Rebel Alliance used the Sanctuary Pipeline hyperspace route to move their fleet from Sullust to the forest moon of Endor. The route was built by the Galactic Empire using S-thread boosters.[8]



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