

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Karabbac[2] was a dangerous[3] and deadly predatory beast native to the planet Kalee.[2] Kaleesh hunt Karabbac for more than simply meat[4] and generally kill to demonstrate their bravery,[3] making its pelt for clothing[1][4] and its skulls and bones for fearsome masks, and even using its blood as war paint, drawing lines over their eyes on their masks[2] before battle.[5] They also valued their prey and wouldn't allow anyone near them.[4]

The personal defense instructor Tommet Sozach wore a jacket made from the pelt of a cloned karabbac.[1] The lines carved above Grievous's faceplate represented the patterns of karabbac-blood war paint, including the duranium teeth that resembled the creature's.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Karabbac were first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in the eighth issue of the 2016 magazine Star Wars Helmet Collection.[2] They originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where they were first mentioned in the 2005 reference book Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, which was written by James Luceno.[6]



Notes and references[]

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