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Mirialans were a species of near-Humans[1] native to the planet Mirial. Their appearance varied from yellow-green skin to paler skin very similar to many Humans.

Mirialans were very flexible and agile, making them fast and formidable foes.[source?]

Society and culture


A Mirialan male during the Cold War

The Mirialan people were religious and practiced a primitive understanding of the Force. They believed each individual's actions contributed to their destiny. A Mirialan would place a unique, often geometrically repeated tattoo on their face and hands to signify that they had completed a certain test or task, or achieved sufficient aptitude for a certain skill. The number of tattoos would thus often act as a good indicator of how mature and/or skilled a Mirialan was.


At some point before the Invasion of Naboo, Mirial fought in a war against a nearby planet. The notorious pirate Arwen Cohl helped lead the Mirialans to victory.[2]

Mirialans in the galaxy

Hylo Visz was a Mirialan smuggler during the days of the Old Republic who led a coalition of smugglers to break a Mandalorian blockade and deliver raw goods to Coruscant.[3] Fortris Gall was a male Mirialan Jedi Knight at the time of the Great Galactic War. He was involved in a conspiracy to assassinate members of the Galactic Senate that sought peace with the Sith Empire, but eventually turned against the conspiracy.[4]

Arwen Cohl was active as a Mirialan freedom fighter decades before the Clone Wars.[2] Luminara Unduli and her Padawan learner Barriss Offee were Mirialan Jedi who fought in the Clone Wars.[5] Teela Kaarz was a political prisoner who worked as a minor architect on the first Death Star.[6]

Behind the scenes

Some characters, such as Jana Lorso, bear a similar appearance to that of Mirialans, but are not officially labeled as such.[7]

Mirialans are a playable species in the Star Wars MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic for the Jedi Knight class[8], the Jedi Consular class[9], the Smuggler class[10], and the Trooper class.[11]



Notes and references

External links
