

For other uses, see Penguin (disambiguation).

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Penguins were a sentient species flightless bird.[1]

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Biology and appearance[]

Penguins were a species of avians whose skin spanned a vast array of colors, including black, blue, green, orange, purple, white, and yellow. Unlike most bird species however, Penguins were unable to fly. They had multiple different distinctions such as bill, lekku, hair, fingers, skin patterns, and a flat pair of feet. Some Penguins had one or a few of these distinctions, but every Penguin had a bill and flat orange feet.[1]

Like many other species, they could be sensitive to the Force, a mysterious energy that could grant the user special abilities with a proper training.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Penguin was the main species that players controlled in the game Club Penguin,[2] which later appeared for Club Penguin Star Wars Rebels Takeover.[1] The avian species was based on the real world counterpart penguin; however, the avian is a non-sentient species.[2] Almost every species from the Star Wars canon that appeared in Club Penguin Star Wars Rebels Takeover were all changed to a penguin, but still kept some distinctions, like lekku, hair, and fingers.[1]


Notes and references[]

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