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The Shock Drum was a Superweapon created by the Galactic Republic during the Cold War with the Sith Empire.

A large ovoid device the size of a cavern, when activated it generated intense ultrasonic vibrations that disable droids and other technology in an ever widening circle with the Shock Drum at its epicenter. The Shock Drum's vibrations become increasingly powerful the longer it was left on and in time resulted in massive seismic groundquakes and damage and even death to organic life within range as their molecules literally vibrated apart.

It was originally conceived of as a device for deployment against enemy fortifications and military bases where it would soften them up by disabling and weakening their defenses. However it was discovered by Republic scientists that over a prolonged period it would cause the core of a planet to destabilize eventually causing it to reach critical mass and literally shatter apart, destroying the entire planet. Following this discovery the head of the Republic's superweapons program, General Var Suthra shut the project down and they only ever produced a single prototype based on Tatooine.

Unfortunately for the Republic, the details of the Shock Drum were among those plans stolen by Sith infiltrator Sith Lord Tarnis. This resulted in the Sith, under the command of Darth Angral seizing control of the project and stealing the prototype. On learning that the Jedi responsible for his son's death was on Tatooine, Darth Angral ordered his subordinate Lord Praven to activate the Shock Drum and destroy Tatooine in order to kill the Jedi and his companions. However, Praven disobeyed his master's order to destroy the new deactivation code, believing he should face the Jedi Knight honorably. Fortunately, after defeating Praven in a duel the Sith surrendered to him and was convinced to join the Jedi Order. With his help the Jedi Knight was able to shut down the Shock Drum before it destabilized the planet's core.

Behind the scenes

Depending on the player's choices, the Shock Drum can either be buried, leave its fate up to Var Suthra or agree to its continued use.


Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Jedi Knight Mission: "The Shock Drum" on Tatooine
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia
  3. SWTOR mini STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Question ! :) - Page 3 on The Old Republic's official website (backup link) places Star Wars: The Old Republic about ten to twelve years after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, which is dated to 3653 BBY by Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia. The Old Republic—The Lost Suns 2 takes place ten years after the treaty, one week after the mission to Nar Shaddaa, and around the time of the SpecForce Incident. Since the mission and the incident are respectively part of Act I of the Jedi Knight and Republic Trooper's storylines, and the Trooper's Act I occurs concurrent to Act I of the Smuggler storyline, the general events of Act I for all classes can be assumed to occur in 3643 BBY. The Prologue for each class immediately precedes Act I, and The Old Republic Encyclopedia places the Battle of Ilum at the end of Act III in 3640 BBY. Assuming that in-universe chronology of the Star Wars: The Old Republic events roughly aligns with the release of story content in real-life as with SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link), the Act III Epilogue must take place near the end of 3640 BBY since it was the chronologically latest story of the The Old Republic base game, which was released toward the end of 2011. Therefore, assuming that The Old Republic takes place over the course of three years per the former of the two aforementioned swtor.com posts, Act I takes place near the end of 3643 BBY.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Jedi Knight Mission: "The Sand Demon" on Tatooine
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Shock Drum's dimensions have been estimated using members of the Jawa species, which has an average height of 1 meter, as a measuring standard.
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