

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

Warning: This infobox is missing the following parameters: flora, xyz, otherlife, fauna Sluis Van was the primary planet in the Sluis sector of the Outer Rim Territories and the homeworld of the Sluissi race.



Sluissi, the native species of Sluis Van

Sluis Van was a world located along the Rimma Trade Route.[2] It was the site of an extensive deep-space docking facility and shipyard, the largest and most impressive in the area. The docking station was defended by perimeter battle stations, while the shipyards were managed by an outer system defense network as well as the Sluis Control.[8] The leader of Sluis Van was called a khedive.


The Sluissi were long supporters of the Galactic Republic, with Sluis Van being home to a vital network of Republic shipyards that were destroyed by the Sith during the Great Galactic War. Millennia later, during the final years of the Republic, they became disgusted with the Galactic Senate whom they blamed as being massively corrupt and causing galaxy-wide injustice.

The planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Bor Gracus and then Corlissi Ludar, until 22 BBY, when Sluis Van seceded shortly before the Clone Wars. During the Wars, Sluis Van was a Separatist stronghold. At the end of the Clone Wars, Sluis Van, as well as many other Confederate worlds were besieged by Republic forces, but Sluis Van held off the Republic. However, the civilians didn't fare well, as mass-starvation broke out on the planet as a result of the Outer Rim Sieges.

The Galactic Empire took control of the planet following the end of the Wars, and was never popular.[8]

By 4 ABY, the planet had become an Imperial fortress world under control of Superior General Sander Delvardus. Sluis Van was liberated by the New Republic in 5 ABY.[2] Despite the Sluis Van Congregate not wanting to cut all connections to the Empire, being as it was one of their largest shipyard clients, the planet joined the New Republic several months after the death of Emperor Palpatine.[8]

Sluisvan swkm

The Sluis Van Shipyards orbiting Sluis Van

During the Thrawn campaign, the Sluis Van Shipyards were one of the main shipyards of the New Republic.[2] The planet was the site of a battle with Grand Admiral Thrawn during his campaign against the New Republic.[3] He attacked 112 stripped-down warships docked over the planet, attempting to capture some of them. Although he failed, Thrawn's forces managed to leave over 40 of the vessels with inoperable control systems.[8]

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the world and its shipyards were crucial to keeping the New Republic supplied with new warships. Following the loss of Fondor, additional units of the New Republic Navy, including several carriers, were deployed to the region for added protection, when Sluis Van took over Fondor's operations. It went on to be a key world in the Galactic Alliance. During the Second Galactic Civil War, it was feared that its shipyards would be a target for the forces of the newly formed Confederation.

By 137 ABY, the New Galactic Empire under the control of the One Sith had seized control of Sluis Van. Despite this, the Galactic Alliance Remnant stayed influent on the planet and in the region.[2]

Behind the scenes

Sluis Van was named by author Timothy Zahn after his friend Don Vandersluis.[9]

The PC game Star Wars: Rebellion mistakenly places the Sluis sector and, consequently, Sluis Van, in the Core Worlds.

The novel Jedi Trial erroneously portrays the Sluis sector, including Sluis Van, as being territory controlled by the Republic, instead of by the Confederacy.

On page 227 in The Essential Atlas, the name of the planet is misspelled as "Sluis Var".

The planet and shipyards that Sith forces devastated, in the Great Galactic War, look very similar to Kuat. Quite probably a mistake.



Notes and references
