


Warning: Display title "Ultimate Core Dump" overrides earlier display title "<i>Ultimate Core Dump</i>".

Template:Infobox Book Ultimate Core Dump is a stand-alone adventure written by Megan Robertson and released by the RPGA on behalf of Wizards of the Coast.

Plot summary

A group of Rebel agents are dispatched to the Expansion Region planet Tazan to destroy an Imperial Data Processing Facility there. While infiltrating the facility, the Rebels were also to try and uncover any new communication protocols for TIE fighters. The Rebel Alliance had a couple of contacts on the planet to aid their agents: one was a janitor who provided information on the facility's security codes, while the other could help the Rebels in any way generally.

However, the Imperials discovered the second agent, Willer Clines and took his daughter Jastina hostage to use as a bargaining chip. They then forced him into betraying the Rebel team. Despite this turn of events, the Rebels were able to infiltrate the facility and destroy it.


Notes and references

External links
