


The volice worm,[1] also known simply as the volice, was a type of unusual[2] massive worm that at one point lived on[1] the volcanically active, jungle-covered[3] Unknown Regions world Lwhekk. It ingested rocks containing crystalline substances that could be used as focusing elements in the lightsaber weapons used by the Jedi tradition of Force-sensitives.[1] Consequently, once every eleven years the volice worm excreted[4] a unique[2] crystallized and translucent[4] substance known as sapith.[2]

At some point long before[4] 3956 BBY[5] and many millennia before the Battle of Yavin,[2] the volice worm went extinct,[4] with certain specimens eventually becoming fossilized. Over time, individuals would excavate such volice worm remains in order to obtain the increasingly rare sapith crystals,[1] which were used by ancient Jedi Knights[6] as lightsaber focusing crystals[2] and were available in the galaxy[4] by 3956 BBY.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

KotOR Cover

The volice worm was introduced in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

The volice worm was first mentioned in the 2003 BioWare video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The game,[4] as well as its 2004 Obsidian Entertainment sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[7] and its accompanying Prima Games game guide, capitalized the creature's name as "Volice worm."[8] However, later sources have instead used a lowercase form of the name, which this article assumes takes precedence.[1][2][6] In addition, 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia introduced a shortened version of the volice worm's name, and one entry in the book also erroneously claims that the worm excreted the sapith crystals once every ten years[2] instead of once every eleven years.[4][6]



Notes and references[]

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