


Vox was a subscriber to, and commenter on, "Cynabar's Droid Datalog." In 1 BBY, Vox commented on the entry for the AS-M12-series messenger droid, relaying information that some of the droids were programmed to hunt down targets and explode. The droids were modified by equipping them with detonite, a proximit detonator, and information regarding a target's bio-signature.[1] In 0 ABY, Vox commented on Class I Defense Droid entry, passing on information that the Corporate Sector Authority's Security Police had deployed a large number of the units against the Trianii.[2] In 2 ABY, Vox gave advice on turning MD-series medical specialist droids into security droids by replacing the medical module with a security chip. Vox reasoned that the medical droids were cheaper than security models, and that no one would expect a medical droid to be used in such a fashion. A fellow commentator, Gunman, rebutted Vox's idea, citing the fact that a medical droid had poor targeting, no inbuilt weapons and core programming that prevented it from applying lethal force.[3]

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