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This is a sub-page for quotes by Corran Horn that have previously been Quote of the Day.

"Absolutely not. You're not going to the dark side on my watch. Do it on Luke's."
Corran Horn, to Tahiri Veila[src]
"Anakin, I was flying when you were nothing more than another fight brewing between Han and Leia, before that even. Give me credit for knowing a thing or two."
Corran Horn[src]
"You know impossible is what Rogue Squadron does best of all."
Corran Horn, to Admiral Gial Ackbar[src]
Corran: "Do any of you speak Basic?"
Kotaa Zun-qin: "I speak your infidel tongue. It tastes like the waste excretions of an ill vhlor on my tongue, but I can speak it. Please, ask me something so I may deny it to you."
Corran: "We infidels don't normally sample the waste excretions of ill animals, so I don't fully understand the reference. I suppose that such delicacies are reserved for the Chosen."
Corran Horn, interrogating a Yuuzhan Vong Shaper[src]
Corran: "Consider also that the odds this room is being monitored are extraordinarily high."
Anakin: "Since when did a Corellian ever care about odds?"
Corran: "Fine. No odds. They are listening to us. Count on it."
Corran Horn with Anakin Solo, detained by the Givin[src]
Jacen: "Thanks for saving my life."
Corran: "Sure, now don't ever disobey another order."
Jacen: "But I saved your life."
Corran: "Details, details."
Jacen Solo and Corran Horn, battling Yuuzhan Vong on Garqi[src]
Luke: "I've not done anything like this before, interrogating prisoners."
Corran: "'Sokay, I know enough for both of us. Just stay over there, by the door, and look as malevolent as you can. Keep your face straight and you really don't need to say anything."
Luke: "Malevolent?"
Corran: "Think Hutt, but with eyebrows."
Luke Skywalker and Corran Horn[src]
Corran: "Hi."
Mirax: "Hi, yourself. You're pretty cute. Of course, if my husband finds out you kissed me like that, you'll be in big trouble."
Mirax Terrik Horn, immediately after being awoken from Morichro[src]
Corran: "Gavin, are you trying to tell me you don't know how to kiss a girl?"
Gavin: "Anchorhead may have been small but not that small."
Corran: "Kin don't count."
Gavin: "I wasn't related to everyone around there, you know."
Corran Horn and Gavin Darklighter[src]
Wedge: "Unseating Isard may, in fact, turn out to be impossible."
Corran: "Gavin, this is where you're supposed to tell us that unseating her isn't tough and relate the whole thing to varminting on Tatooine."
Gavin: "I didn't hear anyone mention a trench or canyon or womp rats. Taking a planet is beyond me."
Wedge Antilles, Corran Horn and Gavin Darklighter, during the Bacta War[src]
Corran: "I quit being a Jedi, too."
Luke: "You can't."
Corran: "Okay, fire me. Um, there are parts of the Jedi Code I don't buy into, and these robes chafe. There's insubordination for you."
Corran Horn and Luke Skywalker[src]
"Are there more like her at home?"
"A planet full."
"Keep them there."
Corran Horn and Wes Janson on Plour Ilo[src]
Stormtrooper: "Come with me so I can check you out."
Corran: "I don't need to go with you."
Stormtrooper: "You don't need to go with me?"
Corran: "I can go about my business."
Stormtrooper: "You can go about your business?" [shakes head] "Your business is my business, void-brain."
Corran Horn, failing miserably at mind tricking[src]
Tahiri: "That's funny."
Corran: "Funny ha ha or funny we're about to die?"
Tahiri Veila and Corran Horn, sizing up the situation on Yuuzhan'tar[src]
Tahiri: "Remember, you're supposed to be training me. What does the wise Jedi do in a situation like this?"
Corran: "The wise Jedi avoids situations like this."
Tahiri: "Oh. I don't guess I know any wise Jedi, then. Very disillusioning."
Corran: "Right. And that's your lesson for the day—don't hang on to your illusions."
Tahiri: "I was hoping more for a crash course in 'how to kick butt when you're outnumbered thirty to two.'"
Corran: "Well, if you're going to be picky about what I teach…"
Tahiri Veila and Corran Horn, being attacked by Yuuzhan Vong[src]
Corran: "Anakin, where is this jump taking us?"
Anakin: "You said Coreward."
Corran: "Tell me we aren't going to pop out in the Yag'Dhul system."
Anakin: "We aren't going to pop out in the Yag'Dhul system."
Corran: "Good."
Anakin: "We're going to come out really near it, though."
Corran: "Why you—"
Corran Horn and Anakin Solo[src]
"Booster versus Thrawn. Now there's a match I'd pay money to see."
Corran Horn, pondering a conflict between Booster Terrik and Thrawn[src]
"Sienar Systems' basic TIE Fighter—a commodity which, after hydrogen and stupidity, was the most plentiful in the galaxy."
Corran Horn[src]
Nen Yim: "You. You've come to kill me."
Tahiri: "You think so? Why would I do that? Merely because you tortured me, turned my brain inside out, tried to turn me against everything I had ever known?"
Corran: "You two know each other, then."
Nen Yim and Tahiri Veila re-encounter each other on Yuuzhan'tar, as Corran Horn looks on[src]
Corran: "Rogue Squadron doesn't run, unless we really, really have to."
Wedge: "No, this will be Wraith Squadron's mission."
Face: "We don't mind running, even when we don't have to."
Corran Horn, Wedge Antilles and Garik "Face" Loran[src]
Mara: "The Emperor would have considered you a sentimental fool who deserved to die."
Corran: "I'll remember that next time I dance on his grave."
Mara Jade and Corran Horn[src]
Corran: "If you have a point to make, make it."
Harrar: "I am searching for a point, I think. I have had little opportunity to speak with infidels when they weren't being sacrificed or tortured."
Corran: "You're not scoring big with me right now, Harrar."
Corran Horn and Harrar[src]
Booster: "But you didn't bring my grandchildren."
Corran: "They're scattered to the four corners of the galaxy on Jedi business. Not my fault."
Booster: "Humpf." [to Mirax] "Your husband still can't do simple math. You can't scatter two children to four corners."
Mirax: "Jedi think that everybody can be divided into fractions."
Booster Terrik, Corran Horn, and Mirax Terrik Horn[src]
Corran: "Your father and my father may have been mortal enemies, but I can't imagine having a better friend than you."
Mirax: "Or lover."
Corran: "Especially lover."
Corran Horn and Mirax Terrik[src]
Mirax: "My father used to bring me in here all the time when I was a kid. Some of these hard cases may be crusty on the outside, but they were very kind to me. Wuher, the bartender over there, used to synth up a sweet fizzy drink for me, and more than one of these guys would bring me little trinkets from the worlds they'd visited."
Corran: "I'd have loved to see those Immigrations forms. 'Purpose of the visit to our world?' 'Murder, mayhem, glitterstim smuggling, and purchase of a gift suitable for a small Corellian girl.'"
Mirax: [giggling] "Yeah, I imagine there a couple like that in databanks somewhere."
Corran Horn and Mirax Terrik[src]
Keevy: "This is Tinta Blue Seven, Invidious."
Corran: "Lovely. Gonna ask if their intentions are honorable?"
Keevy: "Are your intentions honorable?"
Invidious crew member: "Tinta Blue, are you insane, or trying to commit suicide?"
Keevy Spart, Corran Horn, and an Invidious crew member[src]
Corran: "Do any of you speak Basic?"
Zun-qin: "I speak your infidel tongue. It tastes like the waste excretions of an ill vhlor on my tongue, but I can speak it. Please, ask me something so I may deny it to you."
Corran: "We infidels don't normally sample the waste excretions of ill animals, so I don't fully understand the reference. I suppose that such delicacies are reserved for the Chosen."
Zun-qin: "It's not possible for you to mock me."
Corran: "Sure it is. You may be dense enough not to recognize it, but I can certainly mock you."
Kotaa Zun-qin and Corran Horn[src]
"Frankly, I think she'd like to buy Lando for what she thinks he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth."
Corran Horn, on Mara Jade's opinion of Lando Calrissian[src]
"How many Corellians does it take to change a glowpanel? None! If the room's dark, you can't see Corellians cheating at sabacc!"
Corran Horn[src]
"Here goes Rogue Nine, following the unit's tradition of accepting suicide missions with a smile."
Corran Horn, during the Battle of Vladet[src]
Corran: "What if it really came down to them or us?"
Tahiri: "There is no them or us, Corran. Do you really think the Shamed Ones want this war? Do you really think that malice is built into the Yuuzhan Vong at the hereditary level?"
Corran: "It's built into their culture."
Tahiri: "Exactly. And culture can change."
Corran Horn and Tahiri Veila, on dealing with the Yuuzhan Vong[src]
Corran: "Saba has the true elite force here. What I wouldn't give for a roster made up of Jedi…"
Saba: "A pity you humanz lack the advantage of hatchmatez."
Corran: "Hatching Jedi. Now that's an interesting idea."
Saba: "I can testify that it workz."
Corran Horn and Saba Sebatyne, on the Wild Knights squadron and Barabel mating customs[src]
Corran: "At least I know you don't snore."
Ooryl: "Ooryl does not believe you do either. Ooryl does not sleep in the same manner as most others, so your occasional production of rhythmic nocturnal sound is not a problem. Ooryl finds it somewhat soothing, in fact."
Corran Horn and Ooryl Qrygg comment on being assigned as roommates[src]
"You may not know it, but all of the younger Jedi and a lot of the older ones look up to you. The buzz is you're the next Luke Skywalker, at the very least."
Corran Horn, to Anakin Solo[src]
Corran: "Booster, I suppose I don't mind that Karrde knows we're here, but—"
Booster: "Relax, Corran. Karrde's top people are just as trustworthy as he is."
Corran: "That makes me feel so much better."
Corran Horn and Booster Terrik[src]
Corran: "Bring her around, thirty degrees starboard."
Tahiri: "Starboard?"
Corran: "To your right! Your right hand!"
Tahiri: "Don't get touchy, Captain Horn."
Corran Horn instructing Tahiri Veila in flying a ship[src]

(The content of this page is current up to: January 31, 2014)
